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Heal Ozone Treatment In Delhi,
Dental Clinic in Delhi

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Heal Ozone

Heal Ozone Treatment: a unique method for healthy and beautiful teeth, without pain. To cure carious / decayed teeth without CUTTING, FILLING or INJECTION. HealOzone is now available for everyone who wants to show healthy, clean and beautiful teeth, without undergoing painful treatments. HealOzone is a restoring dental treatment method, where dental tissue is restored to health and strenghtened without drilling.

How does HealOzone work?

HealOzone is a non-surgical dental treatment. This means that a dentist`s drill is not being used! A treatment with HealOzone is completely painless, which unfortunately is not the case in most regular visits to a dentist. The removal of bacteria is the cornerstone of this restorative dental therapy. Ozone battles oral bacteria painlessly. The HealOzone vision is that the body`s own teeth can and must be maintained in a healthy state. Using a dental drill to enlarge cavities in the teeth and filling them with composites, as is done in regular dentistry, does not fit this vision.

Heal Ozone, Heal Ozone Treatment in delhi
Heal Ozone Treatment in delhi
Heal Ozone

What is involved in an ozone treatment?

Teeth need professional care. Harmful bacteria need to be removed in order to keep them healthy and beautiful. Brushing and flossing are very important in the fight against bacteria, but this is often insufficient. In regular dental care, action is taken when harmful bacteria have created a cavity (tooth decay). This cavity is then drilled out and filled with a composite, which usually does not do the look of the teeth any good. In addition, the treatment if often painful. With HealOzone, dental bacteria that have settled in the teeth are being removed. This is possible by establishing a positive redox gradient. The tooth or molar is hermetically sealed and positive oxygen atoms from ozone are forced through the natural ducts (dentules). From the tooth surface to the tip of the root, negativity, or electrons, is sucked up, which disintegrates dental bacteria. This also strengthens dental tissue: teeth become whiter, stronger and will shine more.